Context – What is AFRICAI?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown incredible promise in the field of radiology. However, AI developments have unfortunately mostly targeted applications in high-income countries. With support from members of the international MICCAI community, we recently created the African Network for AI in Biomedical Imaging to promote education, research and innovation in AI for radiology in Africa.
Presentation of the 1st AFRICAI/MICCAI Summer School
The 1st joint AFRICAI/MICCAI Summer School aims to support about 30 Africa-based early career researchers, and help them boost their research projects and become the future innovators in AI for radiology in Africa.
The AFRICAI/MICCAI Summer School will be project-driven and individualised for each African student. The morning sessions will include classes, presentations and critical analysis of the literature. In the afternoon sessions, each student will have practical sessions with an experienced mentor who will provide guidance on the AI methods, coding, evaluation and writing of scientific papers.
Cadi Ayyad University Conference Center, Marrakesh, Morocco
Who can apply?
- Students and early career researchers based in an African country.
- Students must have a supervisor in their home institution to support their application and project.
- Preferably, the early career researcher should come with his/her own project and have access to African data, but this is not mandatory.
- About 30-40 students will be selected based on academic merits and the quality of the application.
Program Committee (in Alphabetical Order)
- Anais Emelie, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Anees Kazi, Harvard university, USA
- Antonio Porras Perez, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, USA
- Ayman El Baz, University of Louisville, USA
- Celia Cintas, IBM Research Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
- Ilyass Ouazzani Taybi, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Islem Rekik, Imperial college London, UK
- Jihad Zahir, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco
- Julia Schabel, The Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Karim Lekadir, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Marius George Linguraru, Children’s National Hospital, USA
- Martijn Starmans, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Nassir Navab, John Hopkins, USA
- Noussair Lazrak, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Polyxeni Gkontra, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Sandrine Voros, Grenoble-Alpes University, France
- Smriti Joshi, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Tinashe Mutsvangwa, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Yunusa Mohammed Garba, Gombe State University, Nigeria
- Alejandro Frangi, University of Leeds, UK
- Andrew Switala, University of Louisville, USA
- Anees Kazi, Harvard Medical School, USA
- Apostolia Tsirikoglou, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- Ayman El-Baz, University of Louisville, USA
- Azade Farshid, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Clément Beitone, Grenoble University, France
- Hossam Magdy Balaha, University of Louisville, USA
- Islem Rekik, Imperial college London, UK
- Karim Lekadir, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Leonor Cerdá Alberich, La Fe Health Research Institute, Spain
- Martijn Starmans, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands
- Martin Menten, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Mohammad Yacub, Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE
- Mustafa Elattar, Nile University, Egypt
- Nassir Navab, John Hopkins, USA
- Sahar Selim, Nile University, Egypt
- Sandrine Voros, INSERM, Grenoble University, France
- Tinashe Mutsvangwa, University of Cape Town, South Africa
- Víctor M. Campello, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- Yousef Yeganeh, Technical University of Munich, Germany
- Yunusa Mohammed Garba, Gombe State University, Nigeria
- Zohaib Salahuddin, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Who are we?
The AFRICAI/MICCAI School is endorsed and coordinated by prominent academics of the MICCAI community (Medical Image Computing & Computer-Assisted Intervention). MICCAI 2024 will be the first international conference on AI for medical imaging to take place on the African continent (6-10 October 2024, Marrakesh, Morocco).
For inquiries about the summer school, please reach out to contact [ at ] africai.org